Thai Airways International is a place that most of student trainees would like to have an internship with, because they are popular airline of Thai and popular in impressive service. Now, many students from various universities also have internship with Thai Airways included me. I choose Thai airways because I wanted to benefit from the experience and learned a new challenge from the activity in department that I worked. In department teach me know about process of all. The problem solving is important thing to do in case. Some time we can’t follow the process so we must solve on this time. They have to resourcefulness and experiences for solving with the problem. I worked with Thai Airways in KL department or Load Control service department. It is concerned about weight and balance load and off load the cargo of an aircraft. That operated by Thai Airways both arrival flight and departure flight and also prepare for flight document for report to captain and AOT staff. They are 3 section of KL or load control service department.
KL-D document
KL-L weight and balance
KL-R load control supervisor or red cap
For the first 2 months, we assign into KL-D or document. In KL-D we have 3 important documents that we have to prepare for report to the captain and AOT staff.
1. General Declaration is indicated Flight number, name of captain, member of crew, destination of flight, date of flight, aircraft registration.
2. Passenger Manifest is indicated name of passenger on this flight.
3. Cargo Manifest is indicated list of cargo and also the quantity of cargo on this flight.
In part of Load Control Supervisor on last month, it concern about weight and balance. They are calculates weight of cargo and passenger to balance. And then report to Load control Supervisor or Red cap staff. They are manages space on the lower desk to balance with weight of passenger. And report to captain to know about information of flight.