In this context and following the successful implementation of DOBIS/LIBIS
(Dortmunder Bibliothek System/Leuven Bibliotheek Systeem), in the early 1980s,
a number of officials of university libraries in the region visited the KFUPM
Library to see the system in operation, particularly its Arabic version. They came in
groups and stayed the whole day.Since it was taking a lot of staff time, the library
administration decided that instead of giving presentations to each visitors group,
we offer a short course, and invite all those who were interested to know about the
implementation of DOBIS/LIBIS at KfIC"UPM. Thus, the first short course that was
offered in October 1985 was on library automation with the focus on DOBIS/LIBIS.
The course was so successful that it was decided that like academic departments, the
library would also offer its courses as part of the university's Continuing Education
Program, organized by the Department of Continuing Education, Deanship of
Educational Services. These courses were aimed at updating, refreshing, upgrading
knowledge and skills and competencies of librarians and information professionals
in the region. The library administration also used these courses for developing its
own librarians.