First I want to thank you all personally for accommodating Mr Ed Winter and myself to your plants recently and for the great discussions regarding PCBA that we had in all locations. The data is a lot to summarize and Ed is working through that at the moment, after which we will come back to you and share what have learned
One item that was not clear and we need is the manufacturing volumes over a 12 month period so we can see the effect of volume over the year. As you know when we asked that question most plants said they don’t have a full 12 month GOING FORWARD. Based on that problem Ed has agreed to accept the PREVIOUS ACTUAL 12 months production volume for PCB Manufacture in the plants.
Could you all be so kind and for the volumes complete the attached file and return to myself and copy Ed as soon as possible, our next discussion when we need the data latest is by Wednesday next week in Asia.
If unclear please ask Ed or myself by email.