Materials and methods
Test organism
The experiments on xylanase production were performed with a
strain of A. lentulus FJ172995 previously isolated (Sharma, 2009)
from the textile effluent procured from Baddi (Himachal Pradesh,
India). The fungal isolate was maintained on slants of Potato
Dextrose Agar. Freshly revived cultures were used for all the
Screening of A. lentulus for xylanase production
The fungal isolate A. lentulus was initially screened for xylanase
production on xylan-agar plates containing 1% xylan and 0.1%
Congo Red (Bajaj and Singh, 2010). Plates were spot inoculated with
the fungal spores and incubated at 30 C for 5 days. The diameter of
the clear zone formed around the fungal colony was measured on
daily basis.