numerous research explore relationship between trust and commitment. Achrol (1991) found that trust is an important determinant of relationship commitment. Harrison-Walker (2001) also suggests that commitment has a direct impact on trust. Consumer recognize themselves with a brand or a firm tend to express positive emotions about the firm. Commitment is reflected in trust of customer, which is create the feelings of attachment (Fullerton 2005).
In business market, if the existence of commitment in business partner and trust to that partner may be more critical for consumer who see more worth in the relationship itself.
Furthermore, relationship-oriented client possibly appreciate the existence of commitment and trust more than being contented with each single exchange in an operating relationship. While client who are more oriented transaction demand that every purchase should be satisfactory.
it seem as if the existence of trust in business partner and commitment to that partner (probably in consumer as well as in business-to business market) may be more important for customer who see more value in the relationship itself. Such relationship-oriented customer may appreciate the existence of trust and commitment more than being satisfied with every single exchange in an going relationship, whereas customer who are more transactionally-oriented demand that every transaction should be satisfactory.