What is PHEV
PHEV can use electric power charged from external
sources to reduce load on engine, improve fuel
efficiency and cut emissions. During heavy load
operation or long distance running, ICE will start
simultaneously with electric motor while consuming fuel.
Generally, PHEV have two different operation mode.
One is running with use external electric power when
this operation, the charged battery power is depleting.
That is charge depleting (CD) operation mode. Another
one is using only petroleum energy. This operation
keeps constant battery state of charge as same as
conventional hybrid operation. That is called charge
sustaining (CS) mode operation. Distance that can be
run on electric power from external sources (CD Range)
is limited. Within this CD range, work for ICE is reduced.
It means less emissions and better fuel efficiency. If user
need more power, the vehicle shall be run by both
engine and motor. PHEV can extend power. PHEV can
run with the hybrid engine system as with conventional
hybrid vehicle when the battery is empty. The users'
understanding on these correct understandings of PHEV
will facilitate the energy saving effect, and will lead to
seamless introduction of full EV in near future.