My favorite movie is about an orphan . It's a movie about a girl named Esther's aged but she still looks like a child at the age of nine years to soften and intelligence coming from Russia. The latent her home Convent Old orphans. The story takes place when Kate lost an unborn baby, Kate and John end of hope. Into the failure of their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she had been drinking heavily at almost the mix makes it even leaves her daughter who is drowning when Kate is haunted by nightmares and demons from the shadow of the past both struggling to make a return to normal life with the decision to adopt another child. The orphanage, both John and Kate were attracted by strange little girl named Esther. Almost immediately, they took Esther to the house. Component event invites many began to reveal the face. Kate led to believe that there was something extraordinary about Esther. This child is not the picture look good with concerns that the family would not be safe. Kate tried to make John and others see through the shell of the lovely Esther. But nobody sounded the alarm until it may be too late ... for everyone. This film is very interesting and exciting. It's a movie that I think it's great. I prefer to proceed with the story, I had to think all I would have liked it like me.