how do we go out of the box . how do we do that what are the mechanism do we need to wait for and apple to follow right now on our heads or are there some specific techniques well realities out there for as to perceive it. it's beautiful see this flowers and we have a lot ideas which is our convergent information the dominant ideas on how things should be we have requirement we are specific actions we know how things are because that's the way the alway have been but if we want to go out tothe box we need to at something more a little spice something with goes beyond the covergent information something wrong something absurd something which apparently is not relevant something which takes us far this is want we call divergent information we need a little bit of that diverge information to cross the borders within our minds from that we know to what we event yet thought about so this is the essential mechanism that is necessary and it take us to a place where we don't really know where to go we're suspended it's like the middle game in chess where do you go once your out of the box you have no preset direction so it's already a potential situation that brings us to the feeling that we should read immediately go back this does not make any sence let's go back to safe place let's go back inside the box that's a temptation we need to resist we need to value long thinking normally we talk about something different long thinking what does that mean it's some thought that take us far it's as if you were reading poetry or listening to music you don't judge the single notes you don't judge the single words it's the ensemble that gives you feeling and takes you far must do the same thing where with our concepts we need to go far and some can use association ideas combination of ideas extraction.I 'll principles and application all those principles to area where they were never applied before we need to be open minded we need to be fluent look for alternatives and not for the correct answer because when you think creatively there's no single correct answer there are many possible alternatives