Specialty Soybeans
The first commercial use of soybean (Glycine
max) was for its oil; however, this crop is now
considered a valuable source of protein as well.
Specialty or novel soybeans are used to produce
various soyfoods of Asian origin, such as tofu,
miso, soy sauce, natto, soymilk, and tempeh.
Assorted health food snacks, energy foods,
and cereals are also produced from specialty
soybeans. Other uses include bean sprouts and
soy nuts. Edamame, specialty varieties of edible
green vegetable soybeans, is discussed in a
separate profile of that title.
Specialty SoybeansIntroductionThe first commercial use of soybean (Glycinemax) was for its oil; however, this crop is nowconsidered a valuable source of protein as well.Specialty or novel soybeans are used to producevarious soyfoods of Asian origin, such as tofu,miso, soy sauce, natto, soymilk, and tempeh.Assorted health food snacks, energy foods,and cereals are also produced from specialtysoybeans. Other uses include bean sprouts andsoy nuts. Edamame, specialty varieties of ediblegreen vegetable soybeans, is discussed in aseparate profile of that title.
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