Investors in any industry comprise people from different age groups and their investment pattern also differs
significantly on the basis of age groups. For case in point, Alinvi & Maira Babri (2007) is of view that young customers
become strategic group for companies within the financial industry. Therefore, understanding young customers’
perspectives is important for financial companies to be able to provide the services they demand. The sample in our
study constitutes investors from the age groups of: Under 25, 26-36, 37-47, 48-58 and above 58 and it corroborates to
findings of the above study, i.e. majority of our respondents are young customers and they belong to the age group of
26-36. Again, as we are interested to know the difference in the investment pattern across different age groups, a
two-way ANOVA is worked out for each of the following hypotheses:
H01: There is no significant difference in the investment pattern amongst the investors of different age groups.
H02: Different investment patterns do not differ much among themselves.