2.2.3. Extraction of effective components in loquat flower tea Extraction of water-soluble effective components. In accordance with the objective to produce loquat flower tea, water soluble effective components were extracted. One gram of dried loquat flower teawas extracted for 45 min at 80 C using 150 mL of water. The extracted solution was used to analyze the contents of water-soluble effective components, namely, TP, TF, AA and caffeine, as well as radical scavenging activities. Extraction of triterpene acids. Because main triterpene
acids in loquat flower were OA and UA, which were liposoluble,they were extracted by ethanol (Wang, Zheng, & Lu, 2013). One gram of dried loquat flower tea was extracted for 40 min at 50 C using 40 mL of 80% ethanol. The extracted solution was used to determine the contents of UA and OA by HPLC.