Morphology of vegetative fronds of W. microscopica. (a and b) Mature
frond with pseudoroot. (c) SEM micrograph of a whole frond showing a pseudoroot.
Arrows indicate the elongated epidermal cells on the proximal end and smallerrounded cells at the tip of the pseudoroot. (d) Dorsal surface of mother frond (M)
connected to a daughter frond (D). (e) Actinocytic stomata with subsidiary cells
(Su) arranged in a rosette and consisting of a pair of guard cells (G). (f) Angular
margin of the frond depicting two papillae (P). Arrows indicate a row of peripheral
stomata. (g) Papilla (P) on the dorsal surface. (h) Tip of the pseudoroot showing
the small meristematic cells. (i) Ventral surface of mother and daughter fronds.
Note the scar (S) from the connection of stipe to its mother. Arrow indicates the
elongated cells of the pseudoroot at the proximal end. (j) Almost flat form of the
mature frond possessing a daughter frond. Arrow indicates the small bulge in place
of a pseudoroot.