RECEIVED by the Carrier from the Merchant in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise indicated herein, the Goods, or the Container(s) or other package(s) or unit(s) said by the Merchant to contain the cargo herein mentioned, to be carried subject to all the terms and conditions contained or incorporated in this Bill (defined hereinafter at Clause 1(1)) including both front and back pages where issued in paper form and Carrier's Tariff rules and regulations by the vessel named herein or any substitute at the Carrier's option and/or other means of transport, including the use of feeder ships, barges, trucks or rail cars, from the place of receipt or the loading port to the port of discharge or place of delivery shown herein and there to be delivered unto order or assigns.
If issued in paper form and if required by the Carrier, this Bill duly endorsed must be surrendered in exchange for the Goods or Delivery Order.
In accepting this Bill, whether in paper or electronic form, the Merchant agrees to be bound by all the stipulations, exceptions, terms and conditions contained or incorporated in this Bill whether written, typed, stamped, printed or otherwise, and as well, to be bound by the Carrier's Tariff rules and regulations which are deemed incorporated herein, all of which supersede all previous agreements, including booking notes, dock and mate's receipts and like, any local customs or privileges to the contrary notwithstanding. The terms of this Bill shall be separable and if any part or term hereof is invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of any other part or term shall not be affected.
Agents signing this Bill on behalf of the Carrier have only the limited authority at common law of a vessel's master signing a Bill .
An endorsement on this Bill that the Goods are "On Board" shall mean that the Goods are loaded on board the ocean vessel named in this Bill , or loaded on board rail cars, trucks, lorries, feeder ships, barges, or other means of transportation and are in the custody of an Inland or ocean Carrier for Through Transportation in accordance with the terms of this Bill .