Tai Tong Aluminum & Decore Company Limited (บริษัท ไตต้ งอลูมินั่ม แอนด์ เดคคอร์ จำกัด) requested for
the refunding of late construction fine for the late submission of interior decoration of SIIT new building
due to the political unrest during November 2013 to May 2014 (seven months). The SIIT Inspection
Committee recommended, to the Joint Academic and Executive Committees, rejecting the request from
the company after considering that the mentioned reason was not an obstacle to the construction and
the late submission was caused by its own management.
Without new supporting reasons and facts, the Joint Academic and Executive Committees disapproved
the extension of construction period and refunding of late construction fine for the late submission of
interior decoration of SIIT new building as recommended by the Inspection Committee.
Action Taken by: Assistant Director for Building, Ground and Properties