3.1. Site description
This study applies to the case of the city of Biskra, belonging to arid region with warm and dry climate in
Algeria. Its arid climate is characterized by: annual and daily fluctuations significantly between maximum and
minimum temperatures. Between the coldest month and the hottest month, the temperature range above 20°C. The
daily range for the hot season is around 22°C. Solar radiation is intense is about 10h/jour. The average relative
humidity and approximately 47% and remains low, not exceeding 60% in winter. Rainfall is irregular low (120 mm)
[5]. The field study we used is tow streets with open shape (Figure 1). Thermal and physics characteristics of the soil
are: rough soil in asphalt, its thermal conductivity is k=1.90W-1.m-¹.k, its emissivity is about 0.90 to 0.98, its color is
black and a rough soil in concrete, its thermal conductivity is k=1.80W-1.m-¹.k, its emissivity varies between 0.71
and 0.90; its color is greenish gray.
Fig. 1. The streets where the stations were placed. Source: Author.
Geometric details of each station are shown below.
Fig.2. The geometric details of the stations. Source: Author
Station N°1 : Open Street H>0,25W
View of the station:
Geometry and
orientation of the station:
North South
Type of soil: asphalt