Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, harmful, but treatable long term
condition. An overview of CKD is provided in this article. Kidney Research
UK, wvvw.kidneyresearchuk.org a national charity dedicated to research,
has developed the A Better Life through Education and empowerment
(ABLE) programme which seeks to research and raise awareness of
the issues among 'at risk' groups as well as among relevant health
professionals. Part Two of the renal NSF suggests many actions that can
be taken in primary care to prevent CKD. In the event of Established Renal
Failure (ERF), there are a number of treatment options available including
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), described here. Kidney
Research UK's Patient DVD module two (complimentary copy attached to
this issue) provides more detail using case studies. The DVD offers practical
help, support and guidance on how to overcome some of the challenges.
Chronic kidney disease Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis