Bewitching Sound Paradise can be said as a day monster very young influence, but actually at the height of power, actually is not only this crowd of alluring woman understands with the toxin, actually also has a very fierce character to support.
„In a Zhen Motian that time, most lets a Zhen Motian headache is a fellow surnamed Lu, it is said uses to be very fierce poisonously, Zhen Motian possible to restrain his toxin, founds Demon Subduing Divine Exercise, can let the Demon Subduing golden body that the human practices to be able hundred not to invade poisonously! Many years passed by, Demon Subduing temple also, but have the person of Demon Subduing golden body not to appear, but appeared with the poisonous very strong Lu posterity, but also with the Demon Subduing temple public dispute, defeat Palace Master of Demon Subduing temple!”
„The Lu posterity is a grandma, adopts Lu Qinlian that grandma to be the Lu posterity without doubt! My elder sister had sought for her many years, finally probably had found, what happened as for them, I was unknown.” Bai Youyou said.
Sees Chen Xiang not to speak, Lu Qinlian said: „Are you exercising martial arts?”
The Chen Xiang nod said: „Um, Senior Lu, I want to ask your matter.”
Lu Qinlian smiles lightly: „!”
„Have you heard Bai Ziqian in Heaven World? Has her recent news?” Chen Xiang this is asks for Bai Youyou.
Hears the Bai Ziqian name, the Lu Qinlian complexion changed, bringing the jade face of gentle smiling face suddenly to become very serious: „Has heard, the fable she died 100,000 years ago, but suddenly appeared in Heaven World a while ago! I had bumped surface with her, the original that time important contract was good to dispute one time, but just met with her, came a troop powerhouse, was chases down her!”
„What? What matter has she handled? Was chased down unexpectedly?” In the Chen Xiang heart suddenly has not the good premonition.
„She used demon spoiled death Qi to kill Heaven World Immortal King, as well as that Immortal King many formidable and famous subordinates, almost extinguished strong presence in a paradise!” Speaking of demon spoiled death Qi, Lu Qinlian was staring at Chen Xiang, she knows that Chen Xiang filled under the demon spoiled death Qi Phantom Demon day pit to walk from that.
The Chen Xiang brow wrinkles tightly, Lu Qinlian Bai Ziqian has had an accident, he guessed correctly that is this result, because Bai Ziqian also had done long ago, but was compelled to demon spoiled death Qi hand over at that time.
He suspected when Bai Ziqian initially left from hundredth thousand(s) demon mountain immediately had not returned to Devil World, but went to the Phantom Demon day pit, has gotten so far as demon spoiled death Qi below!
„You have stayed under the Phantom Demon day pit right? Even if I and Bai Ziqian is not possibly able to stay below is so long!” Lu Qinlian sighed slightly: „Wants with the toxin, nobody does not want to control demon spoiled death Qi, if I am Bai Ziqian, meets demon spoiled death Qi, will not let off absolutely! But now demon spoiled death Qi of Phantom Demon day pit is too heavy, is unable to approach including me!”