On the one hand, it provides opportunities for older persons to earn money and stay active and engaged in the community, on the other it can place older persons at increased risk for accident and injury, particularly in cases where the worksite is hazardous with inadequate facilities and lighting. In all countries, families provide the majority of support for older people who require help. However, as societies develop and the tradition of generations living together declines, mechanisms that provide social protection for older people who are unable to earn a living and are alone and vulnerable are needed. National, regional, and local falls-prevention strategies cannot be developed independently of these cultural, political, and economic realities?. c) Pillar Three - identifying and implementing realistic and effective interventions Falls are complex events that are caused by a combination of intrinsic impairments and disabilities which are often compounded by a variety of environmental hazards. Due to the multifactorial nature of falls risk factors and determinants, numerous studies have shown that interventions can be effective in reducing falls in older people by simultaneously targeting several intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors or determinants. Successful multifaceted-intervention programmes have included such components as: