Dear Parents
You are cordially invited for the 2015 – 2016 NK Orientation on August 18th in the Multi Purpose Hall.
We would like to meet all our parents on the day so that we can have a brief session to re familiarize ourselves with school procedures and policies as well as parents will be able to meet the teachers in the classrooms.
The Name list will be posted outside the NK entrance, at the registration table and outside the hall for all parents to check. Please come in between 10 – 10.15 to register and update your email address at the registration table.
It is crucial that the school has your latest contact number and email as we will be communication mostly via email henceforth.
We will begin our session by 10.30 am. We hope to end our meeting by 11.30 after which parents will meet the teachers in the classes to get to know the teacher and TA with whom your child will be entrusted.
For Nursery 1, we strongly discourage for parents to bring the children as they will be anxious to come to school the next day.
For Nursery 2, parents may opt NOT to bring the little ones as they will have to sit through the orientation.
For K1 and K2, parents who bring their children will have to keep them occupied while we go through the orientation and procedures.
Please take note that it is strongly encouraged that parents attend the orientation as it will be a good start to an academic year if your questions are answered.
Hope to see all of you !! Narisa L.
(Principal NK)