4. Approach to EA The Connected Campus programme may significantly change not only the organisation of the college’s ICT infrastructure and services, but also how its business processes are implemented and how staff and students interact with them. In view of the highly diverse, devolved and fragmented structure of the college and its ICT systems, which includes not only academic departments and research groups but also a number of NHS Trusts, CeRch decided that a service-based approach to developing the VRE infrastructure was necessary. In our opinion, in order to deliver these kinds of services a structured architectural approach such as EA was highly recommended in order to ensure the future effectiveness and efficiency of the college’s business. We could see that an EA approach would help us to describe the current architecture, develop the future architectural ‘vision’ and implement the steps that form the transition between the current state and the future vision. That said, the decision to use EA was almost accidental, and was driven directly by the JISC call for the pilot programme. Prior to the JISC call, neither KCL as a whole, nor CeRch in particular, had carried out a process of investigating and assessing EA frameworks. Indeed, the very term was unfamiliar to us as a team, although as it turned out we were already doing many of the things that EA frameworks such as TOGAF propose. Once we had started the project, staff did look briefly into other related frameworks such as Zachman and the Federal Enterprise Architecture framework sponsored by the US government, for the purposes of comparison and context. However, the decision to look at EA approaches explicitly, and the