The need for a nationwide effort to transform STEM teaching and learning in K-12 education is
clear. Many advances in society will continue to come from the fields of engineering and science.
United States job-growth has been accelerating in the STEM fields over the past decade or more, and
researchers predict the trend will continue. American students, however, exhibit below-average
knowledge and skills when compared to other OECD countries – relatively few students enter postsecondary
STEM education and even fewer complete their certification or degree. For these reasons
educators, researchers, and policymakers must all work towards improving student attitudes toward
STEM and increasing student knowledge and skills in these fields. Reliable, validated surveys
measuring student attitudes toward STEM and 21st century skills can play a keep role in helping
reach that goal.
The need for a nationwide effort to transform STEM teaching and learning in K-12 education isclear. Many advances in society will continue to come from the fields of engineering and science.United States job-growth has been accelerating in the STEM fields over the past decade or more, andresearchers predict the trend will continue. American students, however, exhibit below-averageknowledge and skills when compared to other OECD countries – relatively few students enter postsecondarySTEM education and even fewer complete their certification or degree. For these reasonseducators, researchers, and policymakers must all work towards improving student attitudes towardSTEM and increasing student knowledge and skills in these fields. Reliable, validated surveysmeasuring student attitudes toward STEM and 21st century skills can play a keep role in helpingreach that goal.
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