13. No Food, No Job
I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food. I am hungry. I am not thirsty, because water is everywhere. But water has no taste. I want to drink a soda. I want to drink milk. I want to drink coffee. I want to work. Nobody will hire me. Nobody is hiring anybody. Companies are firing people. Companies are laying off people. Everyone is looking for a job. I cannot pay my rent. I will have to live in my car. I don’t want to live in my car. My car has no bed. Everyone should live in a house or an apartment. Many people don’t have a car. They live on the street. A street has no bed. Nobody should live on the street. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. Maybe I will go to church. Maybe I will find help there.