was estimated using between 43 and 176 locations
(mean¼85.7, n ¼ 4). From June 22, 1999 to December
31, 2000, the mean interval between locations of individual
bears was 1.6 days. Estimation of annual home range
was not possible due to the limited monitoring period of
radioed bears, except Bear #122, which was monitored
for more than 14 months. In this paper, we report the
home range sizes of bear tracked, regardless of the duration
of monitoring period.
Average home range size of four male Malayan sun
bears was 14.8 km2 and ranged from 6.2 to 20.6 km2
(Table 2). The home range size of Bear #125 for 4
months was 16.8 km2 and incorporated both primary
forest (40%) and secondary forest that had been logged
in 1988 (Fig. 2). The home range of Bear #124 after 2
months of radio tracking was 6.2 km2 and was directly
north of Bear #125s range. A logging road was located
at the center of Bear #124s home range that only occupied
logged forest, which was also selectively logged in
1988. The home ranges of Bear #125 and Bear #124
overlapped by 0.54 km2.
We had the highest number of locations on Bear #122.
His locations were taken almost daily from the time of his
capture on May 2000 to December 2000. After that, his
locations were taken once every 2 weeks until June 2001.
However, his home range size (20.6 km2) remained stable
after the first 4 months and did not increase with addi