As the days go by, I stop and think about all the memories we've made, the good times we've shared, and the love between us that keeps growing. You are not only my Queen, but my best friend and soulmate. You are a blessing from above - one that I do not take for granted. I thank you for all the love that you've given to me and happiness. Not only are you a wonderful darling, you're a terrific angel, provider, and caregiver . Your generosity is inspiring! I love you, Hon ... more than words, more than life. I'm forever grateful for your love and proud to be your man. I was on my way to bed and wanted to write you a little note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me and in us as a couple. Thank you for making me a better person, and for giving your heart to me ,Over the last few weeeks, it's been wonderful; I never expected to feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful ...You make me really happy and even though we are apart, I am so happy that you respect my beliefs as I respect yours. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little boy, someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, beautiful, and with such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are.
I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you soon. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you. I love you. Thank you for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest man in the world to be called your man, I'm truly honored. Thank you.
Love always,