y: i want this one
t: we don't have any in stock in that design.
h: oh, really?
y: oppa, then should we just buy this cushion?
h: let's buy one of each.
y: one of each?
h: i'll use this one
y: buy a set with me~ as a couple...
h: ok
h: just in case... on on, let's buy this
h: excuse me!
y: oh, just in case it's uncomfortable?
y: no, i mean having a couple set will be pretty.
t: sorry, we don't have that cushion, we only have purple.
y: you don't have it? then let's just buy this one.
h: this could be better since it's longer.
y: okay, i got it. please give us 2 of these.
h: but... hold on... buying 1 big one might be cheaper than buying 2 of these
h: how much are these two? it's $70
h: you can't just impulse buy.
y: i wanted to buy a pretty one...
h: we can spread this below.
h: then it won't show
y: below the table?
h: yeah
h: if you want to buy something pretty, this one is not pretty.
y: it's pretty! it's a rose!
y: then let's get this one. what do you think?
h: okay
y: please give us this one. you have this one, right?
t: one second.
y: where else can you find a rose cushion this pretty?
y: you just did this really coldly, you know.
h: i looked cold?
y: i'm fine.
y: you're cold.
y: you can hear the background music, right? nanana~ i was really hurt, even though i knew it was a joke.
y: when he shook my hand off, it felt like i was getting turned down. i was really hurt.
p: she could be.
h: i did it as a joke, but my stomach was hurting.
h: i was feeling well so it intensified in my head.
h: i guess my face looked really rigid without me knowing.
h: so she misunderstood.
h: which one should we get?
y: okay, let's get this one.
h: i guess they sold all of them
y: i guess everyone bought them since it's winter already.
h: can i use this?
y: right now?
h: wear all the clothes i give you and do a confident fashion show walk from over there.
p: you should use it on something romantic.
y: is this revenge for making me do aegyo?
y: you can't think of anything else to use the card for?
h: i want to use 1 out of 3 like that.
p: he can't use what he has well...
y: ก็ได้
y: have you heard of yura-ppal?
y: there's a girl named yura-ppal that can make all clothes...
h: should we do some shopping?
y: he's stuck doing weird things...
y: stupid hong jonghyun.
y: they say jonghyun is stupid~ they say jonghyun is stupid~
p: they say jonghyun is stupid
h: you said you can handle everything.
h: i'll make everything match so well you'll be shocked.
y: cold...
h: you don't like pants?
h: okay. i'll let you off this one time.
this isn't why i gave you that card...
y: what do you get from making me do this?
h: laughs.
p: she's really mad!
p: when they give that card, women hope that he'll use it in a certain way.
y: i'm hurt!
y: why?
y: you're playing weird jokes.
y: and shook my hand off.
y: what? you're giving me a chance to shake off your hand?
h: yeah.
y: forget it.
h: you're walking backwards.
y: i didn't give you that card to make me do weird things. i'm really hurt.
h: so you think i won't make you do it?
y: it's not that! i'm really hurt!
h: i was playing a joke.
y: i was really hurt.
p: fight! fight!
p: throw something!
h: you were fine before, but now that i've picked out these clothes you're like this.
y: it all burst at once.
h: it burst at once?
p: i want to hug her~
p: why would you hug another person's woman?
p: no, not that...
p: why are your ears turning red?
p: i want to comfort her... it's okay.
y: you'll be shocked. when you watch the show and think "i was like that?"
h: sorry. let's shake hands.
p: yeah, they can end it like that.
y: i'll apologize.
h: you can brush me off one time.
y: you chould tell me you won't do it again!
h: okay, i won't do it
h: i won't do it in the future.
p: they fight really cutely.
y: don't do things like this to hurt me.
y: i was really really hurt.
h: okay. alright.
y: okay. then i'll wear this.
h: try these one. i'll add a few more items.
y: how much more are you going to add? i guess i'll wear it. might as well.
y: that's the first time i said i was hurt because of oppa.
y: since he said he won't do it again, right after i asked him too,
y: i felt better really quickly
y: i'll show you how amazing i'll make these clothes look.
h: don't come out
y: what is that~
h: go inside.
h: use this.
y: my hair!
h: the hairband is the point.
h: leave this out.
p: the door is closed...
p: the cameras can't go in, right?
h: you have to do this.
y: okay, so take off the hat.
h: you're not wearing the pants or the hat, you're leaving too much out.
h: don't try to look too pretty and just hurry and come out!
p: cute!
y: jonghyun, were you looking for me?
h: that is the point.
y: do you think you'll be embarrassed if i walk around with you like this.
h: who are you?
y: they're like an elementary student couple.
h: okay
h: i'm fine.
y: this is my husband~
y: i'm the wife~
y: they're giving me weird stares. did you see that? they looked at me so weird!
p: she looks like a mentally challenged unni.
y: i'm going to walk around like this.
h: you have to walk from over there.
y: okay.
y: i'm going to make you reagret this.
y: you did a show not long ago.
y: what show?
h: the hanbok one.
y: i walked like this then.
y: i'm not going to walk like that.
y: jonghyun, are you headed to school? jonghyun, are you headed to school?
p: it's good as long as jonghyun smiled.
y: let's go to school, jonghyun. this is your present.
h: let's go pay.
y: we have to buy the umbrella.
p: those two are so cute~
what school do you go to? i go to WGM elementary school, 2nd grade, 3rd class.
h: i don't go to school.
h: you wore that every day, didn't you?
y: whatever.
y: i was stubborn about making the clothes look good on me.
y: since he used the card, i decided to make him laugh.
h: she walked really comfortably. it was fun.