Tracks involving the Black Hawks
Track 5
Track five begins with Konatsu searching for Hyuuga, as he had seemingly escaped from work again. However, Hyuuga later flies out of Ayanami's room when he tried to persuade 'Aya-tan' to go to the hot springs. Konatsu does not believe that Ayanami punished Hyuuga because of that. Hyuuga then reveals that he had told 'Aya-tan' that his military cap grows on his head. And the reason why Ayanami didn't want to go to the hot springs was because his cap is a part of his body, and he didn't want the truth to be out.
Konatsu naively believes Hyuuga's words before Ayanami walks out of the room and claims that it doesn't. Hyuuga tells Ayanami that he needs some time to relax, and urges Konatsu to persuade him to go to the hot springs. However, Konatsu makes things worse when he tells Ayanami that he will not tell anyone that his cap is a part of his body. Ayanami whips Hyuuga instead of Konatsu, and asks him if he wants a holiday that lasts forever.
Konatsu then informs Ayanami that the meetings for that day and the next have been canceled as the higher-ups are suffering from food poisoning caused by the banquet from the day before. Therefore, Ayanami is to represent them at a two-day international conference held at District 7. Hyuuga gets excited as District 7 is famous for its hot springs. He says that they will be less worried if they see 'Aya-tan' having a holiday. Ayanami tells Hyuuga that he will think about it if Hyuuga can finish his desk work in an hour.
When the Black Hawks are on the aircraft, Konatsu comments that he is surprised Hyuuga finished all his desk work in an hour, and tells him to continue working hard like that. But Hyuuga explains that when he starts looking at the documents, it makes him want to chop something up. Konatsu then mentions that Katsuragi would have been able to join them if he wasn't food-poisoned. Kuroyuri tears up as Haruse couldn't come because he is learning calligraphy. Konatsu tries to cheer him/her up by offering him/her sour seaweed chocolates.
Hyuuga sees Ayanami working, and is told by 'Aya-tan' to open his luggage which was packed with documents. Konatsu unconsciously begins to work, causing Hyuuga to toss them all over the place in frustration. Hyuuga then tells them that they are here for a vacation and not to work. However, Ayanami whips, and reminds him that they are here to attend the international peace conference.
Some time later, Hyuuga, Konatsu and Kuroyuri are relaxing in the hot spring. Ayanami, in his military uniform, walks in, and tells Hyuuga that there is garbage to be taken care of. Konatsu throws Hyuuga's wash basin towards a rock cliff.
Two brothers come out of hiding, and reveal that they are going to take revenge on Ayanami for killing the rest of their family. However, one of them is killed by Kuroyuri's Wars when he calls him/her a little girl. Hyuuga then sends the remaining brother down the cliffs by slashing the ground he was standing on. With the garbage taken care of, Ayanami tell the Black Hawks to continue relaxing in the hot spring, and he is going out for a while.