Weekly Overview and Expectations
Week 1: What is Water?
Covering over 70 percent of Earth’s surface, water is central to the movement of matter and energy on Earth.
Only 3% is fresh, and only one percent of that is available to us in aquifers, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.
We begin our investigation by exploring how water circulates through Earth systems and is distributed across
the planet. Civilization has always centered around access to water, with usage patterns varying across nations
and regions. We consider how humans move and store water, and the local and global effects of altering water
quality and flow, from lowering water tables to damming the Colorado River. A supplementary essay explains the
unique properties of the water molecule.
Weekly Overview and ExpectationsWeek 1: What is Water?Covering over 70 percent of Earth’s surface, water is central to the movement of matter and energy on Earth.Only 3% is fresh, and only one percent of that is available to us in aquifers, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.We begin our investigation by exploring how water circulates through Earth systems and is distributed acrossthe planet. Civilization has always centered around access to water, with usage patterns varying across nationsand regions. We consider how humans move and store water, and the local and global effects of altering waterquality and flow, from lowering water tables to damming the Colorado River. A supplementary essay explains theunique properties of the water molecule.
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