The MI used a program designed specifically for children by Mindful Schools (Mindful This program includes attention to breath, mindful movement, and generosity. Mindfulness was taught by an experienced teacher who had a daily mindfulness practice. The HEI was standard lessons prepared by a health educator, including importance of activity, healthy foods, and stress management. The intervention consisted of ten 15-minute classes. one every day for 2 weeks (Monday-Friday, each week). Classes were offered at the same time each afternoon immediately before children went home. Fifty minutes was allotted each day. Fifteen to twenty minutes was required prior to the 15-minute intervention to have children shift from their previous activity and document their presence. After the intervention, time was spent evaluating the class (what they liked/disliked) in a personal notebook. Children were randomly assigned to MI or HEI classes. They were given financial incentives for coming to classes ($1 per class) and for attending data collection sessions ($5 and $8 post intervention)