Article 5. Rights and obligations of employees
1. An employee has the following rights:
a/ To work, freely choose a job or occupation, to participate in vocational training and to improve occupational skills and suffer no discrimination;
b/ To receive a wage commensurate with his/her occupational knowledge and skills on the basis of an agreement reached with the employer; to receive labor protection and work in assured conditions of labor safety and labor hygiene; to take leaves according to the prescribed regime, paid annual leaves and enjoy collective welfare benefits;
c/ To form and join and participate in activities of trade unions, occupational associations and other organizations in accordance with law; to request and participate in dialogues with the employer, implement democracy regulations and be consulted at the workplace to protect his/her rights and legitimate interests; and to participate in management activities according to the employer’s regulations;
d/ To unilaterally terminate the labor contract in accordance with law;
e/ To go on strike.
2. An employee has the following obligations:
a/ To perform the labor contract and collective labor agreement;
b/ To obey labor discipline and internal working regulations and follow lawful administration of the employer;
c/ To implement the laws on social insurance and health insurance.