After listening Chen Xiang talked nonsense, Dongfang Xinyue Youyou sighs: „I know that group of old fogies such do, certainly must enrage the father.”
Although this Dongfang Xinyue has the young beautiful appearance, but she actually was also an old fogy, Chen Xiang knew through that Dongfang Rong memory that sometimes in this Dongfang Clan, the Eastern head of the clan said does not calculate, but must pass through a group of senior statesmen to agree that was the old fogy in Dongfang Xinyue mouth.
But Dongfang Clan expansion influence, is the meaning of this group of old fogies.
„Didn't have?” Dongfang Xinyue blinked, asked gently.
„Why not does the Xinyue elder go out for a walk, has a look at this new world? Depending on the strength of elder, can definitely rush out a day to come in the new world.” Chen Xiang said his words to come, if were beforehand Dongfang Rong, killed him also to dare, therefore this let Dongfang Xinyue was surprised.
Chen Xiang such does, to let this Dongfang Xinyue leaves the Xinyue palace, but also makes him have a look at this inside is hiding that heavily, he comes here reason, is looks for the treasure.
Dongfang Xinyue lowers the head to ponder, Chen Xiang does not know why she hides in Mysterious Realm all day what are you doing, her such woman has the strength to have the status to have the appearance, after exiting, will definitely have hundred responses to a single call outside, what has to be good to fear? Like him, did not post a reward the high quota in all directions.
„Was right, killed Dongfang Yao that person to catch? This person of courage is really very big, dares to spend the Demon Subduing School god child unexpectedly, Demon Subduing School has not managed? Has been related in the detail of this person?” Dongfang Xinyue asked curiously.
The heart fierce contraction of Chen Xiang, asked his matter unexpectedly: „Has not caught, the backstage of this person is extremely strong, practices Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Exercise, Extreme Martial Sect Three Great Big Shots is his Martial Nephew(s), on the same day he discards that god child open and aboveboard, is he kills as for Dongfang Yao, did not have the evidence to indicate to the present.”
On the Dongfang Xinyue jade face full is surprised: „Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Exercise! Has not thought that exists, no wonder he can discard the god child, he is young, has this grade of spell of good or bad fortune, Dongfang Yao may not compare by far.”
Was praised by the beautiful woman, in the Chen Xiang heart was certainly happy that but Dongfang Xinyue actually does not know that Chen Xiang stands before her now.
„The Xinyue elder, this person has killed few hosts, why does not increase posts a reward, is only the one billion crystal stone words, is very difficult to move, after all behind this person also some fierce powerhouse asylums, are not only Extreme Martial Sect Three Great Big Shots, for example that Mortal Martial World famous Divine Weapon country empress, the Danxiang Taoyuan pills empress, is his backer.” Chen Xiang really thought that this monetary reward was too poor, making in his heart somewhat uncomfortable.