The study is intended to focus on Kenyan SMEs.
National SMEs Development Council (2005) classifies
firms as micro, small or medium-sized based on the number
of employees and annual sales turnover, depending on the
different nature of the firm‟s operation. As for the
manufacturing sector, small firm refers to business with
employees of between 5 and 50. Meanwhile, business with
employees from 50 to 150 is classified as medium-sized firm.
.According to Nairobi County there are 30252 registered
SMEs in Nairobi County, (Company Registrar, 2013). Out of
these, only 11753 SMEs are found in Nairobi CBD. The
unit of analysis for this study is an individual organization.
The targeted respondent is the is manager or other member
of the top management. A self- administered postal
questionnaire was used to collect data. Variables construct
was measured by five items using 5-point Like scale from
Strongly disagree to Strongly agree as adapted from
.The study sampled 387 SMES.