In this internship, I hope to meet my colleague and good friendship and recognize the broader society. Hoping to learn the job, hoping to learn something new that cannot be obtained from the classroom. I hope that the internship would be useful in the future. Hoping to use the knowledge learned in the training.
After the internship, we have found a good colleague and a good friendship, but in many cases there is one. There are people who like something different and think different things that cause problems for some time.
With regard to work, at first I thought I was an apprentice I had absolutely no knowledge other than copying, printing, or sitting at the computer. After that, I was an apprentice but the work of the department as a direct link with the organization. If we make a mistake may result to large organizations. It must be used responsibly and to know the detailed information they need to take to make us understand that it is the responsibility of the department also has something new society of new knowledge that cannot be learned knowledge in the classroom
When in my department have a conference has to be planned for the conference and prepared document for the meeting place to prepare meals or snacks for meetings Mice match of the study. In addition, this department must work on the land must have regard to the law to get involved with the study law Most law students opposing the occupation of land. But when I actually work with other law involved.
Coursework with internships are different. Training is practical when problems occur, we must learn and fix it. Skills like this are something I will not get it if I keep studying alone.