the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter,
including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity,
and continual change preceding death.
What's life mean?
"Are you want to survive or you want to live”
Don't be wasting your time and just let the life passes you by.
When your heart gets bigger now and life calling you to step out.
don't you accept it? won't you want to feel the things that you never felt it before,
the things can take your breath aways
you might meet the people who could share you a different point of view.
In this big blue planet there are full of wonders and unexpected.
So why you've try to see it though the eyes of someone else.
won't you go to see it on yourself. make your own life.
just start living I mean real living. If not now, When?
like they said "we travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”
I'm completely agree with it because after have been away from your town
and when you come home again you'll find that you're become to be a new person
and you may have one or two of stories about your journey.
Lif /