Motivation and Quality of Work Life among Secondary School EFL Teachers
Sasan Baleghizadeh Yahya Gordani Shahid Beheshti University, G.C. Iran
Abstract: This study set out to investigate the relationship between quality of work life and teacher motivation among 160 secondary school English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in Tehran, Iran. In addition, 30 of the participants were randomly selected to take part in follow-up interviews which asked why they felt the way they reported. The results revealed that the participants enjoyed a medium level of quality of work life and experienced a medium-to-low level of motivation. In addition, a significant relationship was found between motivation and quality of work life categories. Furthermore, the sub- scales of the quality of work life that best predicted teacher motivation were identified. The findings of this study have implications for teacher educators and educational decision makers in bringing about higher levels of motivation and quality of work life among English language teachers.
The tenets of educating candidates for teaching English to the speakers of other languages (TESOL teacher education) have long been based on our knowledge about the subject matter of language teaching. However, this trend has been widely affected by recent developments in our understanding of the sociocultural processes of language learning and teaching. According to Johnson (2000), TESOL teacher educators have now begun to realise that the processes of learning to teach are of a collaborative effort in which a team of stakeholders participate and to which they contribute. Johnson (2000) further argues that: A collaborative effort between and among the stakeholders in the processes of learning to teach marks an important step forward for TESOL teacher education. It spreads the rights and responsibilities for learning to teach among all those who participate in and have an impact upon it. It forces all those who are involved to recognise and communicate with one another, to establish common bonds and goals and to build on each other’s strengths to foster teacher learning and professional development in a range of instructional contexts. (p.3) Today, teachers are expected to work and socialise into diverse cultural, linguistic, and social contexts. Teacher educators need to be familiar with and to familiarise the teachers with different aspects of the language education process. One of the primary features of this process is the issue of teachers’ motivation and the quality of their working life. Once teachers realise, in advance, the fact that not all structures may be in place for their professional development as a language teacher, they will be in a better position to prepare themselves for the possible shortcomings and take the necessary actions. The topic of motivation as an influential criterion for effective teaching began to be approached seriously in the 1990s. Various studies (e.g., Dornyei, 1998; Oxford, 1998) have