A magic bear was even more powerful than a magic tiger.
There were no magic bears in the world of his previous life, so this was the first time that Xuanyuan saw such a ferocious beast. He trembled at the sight.
His heart screamed, “Am I going to die just when I’m reborn into a new life? If a magic bear could kill me, I don’t deserve the Yellow Emperor’s name. I’m going to fight!”
Xuanyuan’s bloodthirst was growing by each second spent between life and death. He pulled out the rusty black dagger from his waist and ignored the pain from his body. He pushed through his body’s limit and jumped. He thrust the dagger, which was more like a tiny sword, 40 centimetres in length, towards the bear’s neck. A strange, indescribable feeling arose within Xuanyuan’s heart when he held the black dagger. He did not put much thought into that feeling, there was no time.
The bear seemed to have sensed something when it saw the rusty dagger. A tinge of disdain flashed through its eyes as bit down onto the dagger.
At this very moment, all of the bear’s long, sharp teeth shattered. Blood was oozing from its wounds.