Abstract— In this paper we present a system which
automatically generates 3D face model from a single frontal
image of a face with the help of generic 3D model. Our system
consists of three components. The first component detects the
features like eyes, mouth, eyebrow and contour of face. After
detecting features the second component automatically adapts
the generic 3d model into face specific 3D model using
geometric transformations. Once the model is ready six basic
facial expressions are generated with the help of MPEG-4
facial animation parameters (FAPS). To generate transitions
between these facial expressions we use 3D shape morphing
between the corresponding face models and blending the
corresponding textures. Our system has the advantage that it is
fully automatic, robust and fast. It can be used in a variety of
applications for which the accuracy of depths are not critical
such as games, avatars, face recognition etc. Our morphing
results show the accuracy of system. We have tested and
evaluated using database BU-3DFE.