Answer the following questions about the text yes or no.
Does Mark like salad?
2﴿ Answer the following questions about the text yes or no.
Is Graham a vegetarian?
3﴿ Match the key ideas to the correct paragraph.
He / She has quite an unhealthy diet and feels bad about it.
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
paragraph 3
paragraph 4
4﴿ Match the key ideas to the correct paragraph.
He / She has a very healthy diet.
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
paragraph 3
paragraph 4
5﴿ Decide if the following statement is true or false.
Graham’s girlfriend is happy about what he eats.
6﴿ Decide if the following statement is true or false.
Mark quite likes cooking.
7﴿ Choose the correct answer from the choices.
Mark ________________________.
gives his salad to his rabbit.
thinks that people shouldn’t eat salad.
thinks that salad is very good for people.
8﴿ Choose the correct answer from the choices.
When she was a little girl, Gemma ate ________from the others in her family.
different food
in a different room.
at different times
9﴿ Answer the question with one word only.Write one word not number.
What does Graham usually eat with steak or roast chicken?
10﴿ Answer the question with one word only.Write one word not number.
What does Maria drink a lot of?
11﴿ Use a key word from the text to complete the sentence.
Graham's girlfriend complains about what he eats because she's a __________
12﴿ Use a key word from the text to complete the sentence.
Mark thinks that only ________ should eat salad.
13﴿ Complete the sentence with one of the following words.
have ,say ,advise ,plan ,spend ,like, let ,worry ,make, cook
Mark's friends _______ him to eat more healthily.
14﴿ Complete the sentence with one of the following words.
have, say, advise, plan, spend, like, let, worry, make, cook
Maria needs to ______ her diet quite carefully.
15﴿ Match the words with the definitions.
1. terrible thing
16﴿ apart from ______
2. alone
17﴿ disaster______
3. use something in a bad way
18﴿ manage to ______
4. eat small amounts of something
19﴿ on my own ______
5. do something that you think is difficult
20﴿ pick at _____
6. except for
21﴿ Choose the correct definition.
Your appearance ﴾paragraph 2﴿ is what you_______.
look like.
feel like.
smell like.
22﴿ Choose the correct definition.
If you are fussy ﴾paragraph 4﴿, you_____________.
want things exactly as you like them.
don’t like anything.
like everything.
23﴿ Choose the correct answer from the choices.
Drink ﴾paragraph 2﴿ is_____.
a noun.
a verb.
an adjective.
24﴿ Choose the correct answer from the choices.
Fried ﴾paragraph 1﴿ is ______.
a noun.
a verb.
an adjective.