Of all the problems faced by the world today, highland development and the production of drug-crops may be the most serious. Highland regions in developing countries are amongst the poorest regions in the world. Being socially, physically and economically marginal, they are, with few exceptions, afflicted by poverty and suffering. For these very same reasons, they are the locus of the production of drug-crops such as the opium poppy. As we all know, the production of drug-crops is a phenomenon which is problematic in many respects: where drug crops are produced, they damage environments, weaken societies, strengthen criminals and can create warlords whose power rivals that of nation states; in the regions through which they pass, they leave a trail of addiction and create channels for other crime such as human trafficking; in the countries where they are consumes they destroy the lives of users, fill prisons and turn the streets into battle-grounds. These problems also occurred in the highland areas of Thailand. Opium production was the Hill Tribe’s main cash crop for many years before starting the highland development programs. (HDRI, 2013)