Analysis : Customer area have poor coverage and far from currently site to much and after trial up E-tilt and increase CPICH value of U08&U21-NSN0041-D the problem area have slightly improved
Appointment date : 6/08/2016
Status : Done
Short term Solution: Solution ; 1. U08-NSN0041-D change E-tilt 6 to 8 And Azimuth 290 to 315
2. U08-NSN0249-A change E-tilt 4 to 6
3. U08-NSN0041-A change azimuth 10 to 40
4. U08-NSN0060-A change M-tilt 2 to 4
5. U08-NSN0060-C change M-tilt 2 to 4
5. U08-NSN0015-D change E-tilt 5 to 6
6. U08-NSN0038-C change azimuth 190 to 225
CR status : Done.
CR Detail : HwCR850_PostOpti(H)_NORTH_RPO_CR_3G_3308727_PARA_IM_NSN_JIRAPRAWAT_CAMP_17082016_Yuthapong D, HwCR2100_PostOpti(H)_NORTH_RPO_CR_3G_3308728_PARA_IM_NSN_JIRAPRAWAT_CAMP_17082016_Yuthapong D
Tentative Plan: Wk34
Long term : Waiting new site macro on air at 15.675320,100.106160 (N2015-2505-DTAC Alone 2016 , Master planed final ROI : Approved)
Tentative Plan: In2016