3. Results
3.1. Monoethanolamine (MEA)
The chemical model for MEA, a primary monoamine, consisted
of equations Eqs. (1)–(6). That is CO2–H2O chemistry, MEA protonation
and formation of the MEA carbamate species and protonation
of the carbamate. The VLE data from (Aronu et al., 2011) was chosen
as it represents a large and recent data set covering a broad range of
MEA concentrations, CO2 loadings and temperatures. In total there
are 144 data points covering 2.5–10 mol dm−3 MEA, CO2 loadings
up to 0.6 and temperatures from 313 to 393 K. Thus any chemical
model that adequately represents this data set well can be considered
to cover all chemical and physical behaviour relevant to a CO2
absorption process.