ชื่อใน Facebook ของลูกค้า : Allen Davenport
แจ้งเรื่องวันที่ : 10/01/2558 เวลา: 17.51 น.
สรุปเนื้อหาลูกค้าแจ้งบน Facebook Big C Big Service:
I was at the BigC extra Klong 4, Lumluka, Pathumthani and you are selling this unhealthy chicken with all the ices thawed out and the blood running from the chickens. It is simply gross! You are supposed to keep the chickens properly refrigerate. You are lucky I will not post this to " Pantip " this time. But if I see you are selling chicken like this again, I will post it on Pantip for everyone to see. Hi and thank you for your prompt response. It was yesterday, Saturday the 9th around 14:00. My contact number is 0925128787. Thank you.