St r ateg y maps t y pically have 15 to 25 st r ateg ic objec-tives displayed in boxes. The y also contain ar rows that
causally connect the st r ateg ic objectives in
the t r aditional four perspectives of a
st r ateg y map: (1) lear ning , g row th,
and innovation; (2) processes;
(3) customer satisfaction and
loyalt y ; and (4) financial.
The ar rows represent the
selected ke y perfor mance
indicators (KPIs) and usu-ally are displayed in a sim-ple PowerPoint diag r am
that communicates the
st r ateg y in a sing le page.
With analy tics you can gain
r ich insig hts into how actions
or projects more or less suppor t
the implementation of the st r ateg y.
You also can apply cor relation analysis