3.English is an important language, because it is the linga franca of the world. Since there are so many languages of the world and on account of this, there can be communication problems, it is important to have a language that most people know. This happens to be English. For example, children in many countries of the world learn English. So, it is very possible to be in any major city in the world and probably get by with English. This is an amazing point! Now things will change drastically outside of cities. Finally, English may not be the linga franca in the future, but for now it is. For this reason, it is important to learn English.
3.English is an important language, because it is the linga franca of the world. Since there are so many languages of the world and on account of this, there can be communication problems, it is important to have a language that most people know. This happens to be English. For example, children in many countries of the world learn English. So, it is very possible to be in any major city in the world and probably get by with English. This is an amazing point! Now things will change drastically outside of cities. Finally, English may not be the linga franca in the future, but for now it is. For this reason, it is important to learn English.
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