My Shopping Habits
Shopping is the examining of goods or services from retailers with the intent to purchase at that time. Some people may buy things because they need it or some people may buy things because they want it.
In my opinion, I like shopping, it makes me feel relax and it’s fun. I like to walk around the shopping mall looking for what I need or want, updating new trends and new arrival goods. I usually go shopping at Central Plaza Lampang because I study English at Central Plaza Lampang every week so when I finish studying I often go shopping. I like to buy things in gift shop and clothes shop. but I usually go shopping with my mom. I usually buy gifts for my friends and my family.
Shopping is not only a want, but it also a must. Everyone have to control themselves to buy things they must or need more than things they want. Some people may not like shopping and buy only necessary things but if you change your shopping habits, but something you want to be a present for yourself once a year, you will find that it can be one part of your happiness.