This is one of the 'Filter Your Life' anti-smoking advertisements by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs -- in particular the Al Ain Municipality. I will do a Burkean Analysis of this ad.
The first step is to determine the five elements of Burke's theory: act, agent, agency, scene and purpose.
The act is very clear. We see two cigarettes acting as smoke stacks that are polluting the city. As they burn, they release their toxic fumes upon the air of an otherwise pleasant looking city. There is also the words, 'Stop Burning Our Life' with a red 'X' in the word stop.
The agents in this image are the cigarettes and the words "Stop Burning Our Life." These are the two most prominent visuals that I see when looking at this image and are the agents that are performing the act.
The agency is the Al Ain Municipality. Al Ain is one of the largest cities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and this anti-smoking advertisement is made and released by them.
The scene is a picture of a cityscape with a bright blue sky. There are the perfect amount of clouds in the sky, and the city would look appealing if the two cigarettes were not superimposed on top of it.
The purpose of this image is to advocate against smoking.
I believe the two main elements are the act and the purpose. Between them a ratio analysis can be performed. The purpose of this ad is to add momentum to the anti-smoking movement. It is not necessarily trying to inform us why it is bad to smoke using scientific empirical evidence, but rather through more visual and emotional means. The act of the cigarettes' smoke polluting this peaceful city is something that is immediately off-putting to me, and makes me want to see the city without the cigarettes' toxic haze. This visual also implies that those who are smoking are affecting all of those around them. It says, "Even if I don't smoke, I am still affected by those who do smoke through the effects of second hand smoking." It tries to guilt smokers into stopping by telling them that they are burning our life, not just the smoker's life.
This is also a very strong act, because of the use of two burning cigarettes. This is very similar to pictures of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. This is another immediate negative reaction and implies that smoking is killing people just like acts on 9/11. The red 'X' is the final portion of the act that ties it into the purpose. It is emphasizing the text 'Stop Burning Our Life' and calling the viewer to do something to help put a stop to smoking by calling upon all of these negative emotions that this image, in particular, the act, brings rise to.