The life cycle analysis of the project shows the following. The project company must accumulate a certain amount of money at the design stage. Project development costs typically average about 5% of the total project cost . At the implementation phase of the project, the capacity of capital is raised rapidly and potently. The volume of attracted investments with a cumulative total reaches its maximum at the time of object commissioning. From an economic standpoint, the project does not yet generate revenue, costs are incurred and paid over several years and are capitalized in the cost of construction. From a financial viewpoint, during the construction phase the project cannot generate revenue or cash inflows . During the operation of the facility, the cash flows generated by the project pay off debts and generate revenues. The fairly clear-cut separation between sustaining Capex and producing positive cash flows deriving from these capital expenditures is typical in Project Finance . The main stages of the highway infrastructure project life cycle, the direction of cash flows and the cash flow balance with cumulative total of the project company throughout the life cycle of the project are shown in