The passenger flow is more than 9 million people daily, and the number is increasing year by year. Therefore, it is important to obtain information about the air quality in Shanghai’s subway system and its potential influence on these passengers. As a result, some scholars have studied the environmental quality in the Shanghai metro. It is also worth noting that after the subway station has been built, many characteristics of the station cannot be easily changed. However, our study provided some consistent findings that suggest ways to minimize health damage caused by air pollution in the subway. First, PM concentrations on the platform increase as trains approach the station, and since dirty air from the tunnel is pushed onto the platform by the piston wind, the subway tunnels should be cleaned regularly. Thus, passengers should try to wait for trains near the middle of the platform. The staff working on the platform should regularly change working positions, so that the staff working at the middle position would regularly change places with the staff working at both ends of the platform to protect the health of the latter, and all of the staff working on the platform should take periodic breaks to reduce their pollution exposure. One caveat is that in the subway systems of some other cities around the world, the piston effect was not always stronger at both ends of the platform than in the middle. The strength of the piston wind effects at different positions depends on many factors, such as the presence or absence of platform screen doors, the location of the access points, and the condition of the ventilation system.