1. Divide the women in 4 groups. Make them sit next to someone new. Give each group one flipchart and few markers (1-2 minutes )
2. Explain the exercise (3-5 minutes)
3. Women should discuss in the small groups following:
• Why they decided to attend the program. What were their expectations from the project as a whole and from the project team?
• What changes would they like to see in themselves and in the community as a result of the project?
Each table should write on the flipchart a joint list of expectations and of desired results!
Explain to the participants that they should try to make their results as SMART as possible! DO NOT WRITE FANTASIES but results that are actually possible. (15min)
4. The facilitator mediates a discussion about what came out of the discussions of the group. Based on the 4 flipcharts, one common list should be created that everyone agrees with. Not more than 10 points maximum! Confirm that everybody agrees with the list and make final changes if necessary. Explain to the participants that this final list will be visited again in the final evaluation meeting in January. (15 min)