Section 1. Product Information
Product Name: Bentonite
Distributed by Pestell Minerals & Ingredients, New Hamburg, ON Canada
24 Hour Emergency Telephone (Canutec): 613-996-6666
Section 2. Hazardous Identification
Emergency Overview: Material can be slippery when wet
Potential Health Effects
Routes of Exposure
Eyes: Dust or powder may irritate eye tissue
Skin: Non irritating to the skin
Inhalation: Repeated or prolonged inhalation may cause toxic effects. For additional information on
inhalation hazards, see Section 11 of this safety data sheet.
Target Organs
Lungs: This product has the potential for generation of respirable dust during handling and use.
Dust may contain respirable crystalline silica. Over exposure to dust may result in pneumocononiosis,
a respiratory disease caused by inhalation of mineral dust, which can lead to fibrotic changes to the
lung tissue, or silicosis, a respiratory disease caused by inhalation of silica dust, which can lead to
inflammation and fibrosis of the lung tissue. Occupational exposure to nuisance dust (total and
respirable) and respirable crystalline silica should be monitored and controlled.