There were multiple endings in the various scripts. 1 ending had dr. Wynn escaping by helicopter, with what he thinks is the baby, but it turns out to be a bomb planted by Tommy, which kills him. In another ending, Smith's Grove is set on fire by falling candles, because Tommy is shooting Thorn members with a rifle, and Jamie helps them escape in tunnels, and then Jamie has a figh with Michael, and then she gets killed by Michael, and dr. Wynn escaping with Danny in a helicopter with Tommy and Kara following in a van not knowing Michael is in the back. Another ending ends up in the bus station from the beginning of the movie where dr. Loomis and Tommy find Kara dead, and Danny bloodstained standing there, not moving, holding the baby and a knife. There was a sequel planned for this movie, but that was scrapped because the movie changed. Original, the movie was called Halloween 666: The Origin Of Michael Myers, and Steven was dr. Wyn's baby, and not Michael's, and original, the baby's name was Kyle. Also, Danielle Harris wanted to play Jamie again, but Dimension Films didn't wanted to pay her the $5000 she wanted. Also, this movie was screen tested to 15 year old boys. How dumb can they be?!